Prof. Masataka Tanigaki, received a letter of appreciation from NABEEA
Deletion of the evaluation for changes was announced on 21 December 2016

JABEE’s First Oversea Accreditation

JABEE’s First Oversea Accreditation


JABEE’s First Oversea Accreditation

In December 2014, JABEE conducted its first oversea evaluation to the Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering of Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia.
JABEE Board of Directors held on 9 March 2015 approved the accreditation to the program and on 25 March 2015 the accreditation certificate was handed over to the Rector of the University by JABEE Executive Managing Director.
A University-wide ceremony was attended by a large number of attendees including the Rector, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments and representative of students. During its ceremony, JABEE Executive Managing Director mentioned JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) project for the establishment of Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) and called for active participation of the faculty members from the University.