JABEE & Accreditation
JABEE accredits education programs in the engineering, agriculture and science departments in higher education institutions fostering professionals. JABEE was established in 1999 to support fostering international professionals.
Accreditation of JABEE is voluntary and is a third-party accreditation. Evaluations are conducted in cooperation with academic societies of engineering, agriculture and science.
Accreditation of JABEE is neither qualification of individual students nor certification of education institutions. It is accreditation of professional education programs from the perspective on whether the curriculum and benchmark of the program meet international standards. It is important to ensure international substantial equivalency of professional education. Due to such a circumstance, JABEE joins international frameworks of professional education accreditation. JABEE accredits education programs with JABEE Accreditation Criteria in accordance with the concept of each accord: Washington Accord for engineering education programs, Seoul Accord for Computing & IT-related education programs and UNESCO-UIA for architectural education programs.
The Washington Accord recognizes only one signatory in one jurisdiction and JABEE has uncontested right in Japan since joining the Washington Accord in 2005 as a signatory.
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