Accredited Programs

Lists of programs accredited by JABEE.

The following are lists of programs accredited by JABEE

The following “Engineering Education Programs at Bachelor Level” is substantially equivalent under the Washington Accord, “Computing and IT-related Education Programs at Bachelor Level” is substantially equivalent under the Seoul Accord and "Architectural Education Programs" are substantially equivalent under the Canberra Accord.

Engineering Education Programs at Bachelor Level
Validity Expired Education Programs of All Levels and Categories
Computing and IT-Related Education Programs at Bachelor Level
Engineering Education Programs at Master Level
Architectural Education Programs

Usage of JABEE Accreditation Logo

JABEE accredited programs are encouraged to use “JABEE accreditation logo” with the aims to increasing recognition by the society of accredited programs and to broadening public awareness of engineering education accreditation system.

“JABEE Accreditation Logo” is structured by the graphic part and first year of accreditation of the program and it is shown as “Since XXXX”. Left logo is an example of the program which is accredited in the academic year 2011.

As for how to display accreditation logo shall be separately prescribed in “Guide for Usage of JABEE Accreditation Logo”.

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