Evaluation & Accreditation
JABEE implements evaluation, in cooperation with members from academic societies of engineering, agriculture and science, for professional education programs in higher education institutions. JABEE accredits education programs with JABEE Accreditation Criteria in accordance with the concept of international frameworks such as the Washington Accord to ensure international equivalency. JABEE respects the originality of education programs and avoids imposing prototype educational methods. There is misunderstanding that JABEE accreditation just ensures the minimum level of education . Each education program submits self-review report with benchmark required by the society, defining the profile of professionals to be fostered and demonstrating that the learning outcomes have been achieved. Based on its self-review report documented by the education programs, JABEE evaluates in accordance with publicized Accreditation Criteria. The improvement of education through PDCA cycle is evaluated as it is required for education institution to be continuously improved.
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